Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Food Truck Event 092113

This past weekend, I attended another food truck event. Since I'm on a restricted nutrition plan, I had to see what was the healthiest item I could possibly eat. It was sort of my 'cheat day,' but I made sure to not eat anything to fatty or deep fried!

The first stop I went to was to Crisp Creperie and I ordered their Proscuitto and Brie crepe w/ almond butter, arugula, and apples.

It was indeed a fairly big crepe and it cost $12. The pricing is a little higher than i'd like for a crepe, but I wanted to try it so forked up the cash.
I will say that the crepe was very good though. They weren't stingy on the ingredients either (and I would hope not since I did pay $12 for it). The only downside to this is the crepe dough/pancake thing itself. I wish there was a little seasoning to it instead of tasting like plain flour. Even a little pinch more salt or something would've been better. Other than that, I did enjoy this crepe and unlike other crepes i've had, I had to use a knife and fork to actually cut it and eat it up.

The other item I tried (just a small piece from what my dad ordered) was from Outside the Box, which is basically a Paleo diet sort of food truck where they don't use any processed foods and supposed to have more healthier foods.

We tried the Pork Belly , and I was a bit confused of the fact that it was on the menu since pork belly is not really healthy at all. I guess is just that is local and better raised swine? I'm not sure. Anyways, this item came on a bed of kale and we did expect something more than just a few slices of meat on greens. It was also a really long wait for this item so may not really be worth it

The pork belly was $8 for 4 slices. The flavor was decent but the meat wasn't overly tender. I wasn't too impressed with this and would have rather tried a different item from them.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Other Side of Broadway

This will sort of be a random post and mini review of my day yesterday. I had an appointment in the afternoon in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle on the side of Broadway with less of the bars and more of the casual food and local businesses.
It is always interesting there with fun characteristics and personality of the location. On my walk back, the first thing that caught my attention was this stone sculpture like baby plastered on the side of a recycle bin!
It was too good not to take a picture of. And not to make it more typical for being in Seattle, but I'm pretty sure that is a Starbucks card right next to it. Haha. Not sure if the person wanted to be creepy, have fun, or was just bored, but it definitely made a  statement and got my attention.
After my appointment, I walked with my friend to go get some lunch.
On our walk to the Melrose Market for some grub, I saw this beautiful flowering tree out in the front of apartments. It also turned out to be a sunny and warm day so the flowers just stood even more out to me. The place right on the top middle with the flowers outside made me think of how cute and lovely it would be to live there and walk out to some gorgeous flowers.

Right across from those flowers is Melrose Market which contains a few stores such as Homegrown a sandwhich shop, a few shops, cheese and meat counters, and other quaint things. I love how the stores inside use mainly locally produced items and it just makes the place feel really homey.
Since I am on a pretty strict nutirtion plan, I decided on a vegetarian half sandwhich at Homegrown.

My choice was the Portobello + Goat Cheese w/ caramelized red onions, mixed greens, and a hazelnut arugula pesto on whole wheat bread.

The size was just perfect since I am now eating smaller portions. They make their own bread I believe and for the most part use what is local which is awesome. It is more on the healthier side, but they don't lack in flavor. The portobello mushrooms added a meaty texture to the sandwhich which, for me, made up for the missed meats in most sandwhiches. The greens added a nice fresh crunch, the caramelized onions were the perfect sweetness and added an extra element and layer of flavor to the sandwhich. The hazelnut pesto held the sandwhich well together and balanced it all out with its earthy flavor. I think hazelnut is an awesome alternative to making pesto as opposed to pine nuts, since I do believe they are cheaper and less fatty (for a nut that is). This was $7 + tax for half a sandwhich, which can seem a little high for some people, but you have to remembr the quality of the ingredients used that makes up for it.

Then on my walk back to my car, I noticed this awesome Pokemon wall of cards on the window of a coffee shop! I love how it has the rainbow effect and that the cars are alternated with the element energy cards. Sorry, but I really geeked out! It was a "nerdy" moment for me, whatever that really means. It made me really happy and made me thought of my childhood.

Overall, it was a short lovely afternoon where I got to spend time with my dear friend, try a new place out that i've always wanted to try, and see some really neat things.
For those who may be visiting Seattle, I highly recommend checking out the Capitol Hill area if you want to try good food and be in a good, fun environment.

Since the warm and sunny weather is becoming less and less, I encourage everyone to take the opportunity to go out for a walk and try some place new! =P

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Kokiri Korean Restaurant Review !

This post will be short and simple to get a glimpse of a Korean restaurant I tried a couple of weeks ago.

A few pages of their menu below. Everything looked so good!

First up is Pajun/pajeon, or the Korean green onion pancake with seafood. I usually like most restaurant's pajun, but this one was exceptionally good. The octopus/or squid pieces inside were nice and tender and not chewy at all, which tends to be the case with a lot of restaurants. The batter was also not overly thick and had the nice crisp to the bottom of it as well.

Now my personal favorite dish, dukbokki/toppokki, was next and I usually order this wherever I can if they serve it. I liked that the sauce wasn't too over the top spicy but still had a kick. The rice cakes were nice and chewy and the added slices of fish cake is a plus. 

Now probably the most worth it dish was this Kalbi tang aka kalbi/short rib soup. It was packed with flavor, loaded with meat, and had veggies and egg dropped into it. The soup was very robust and full and had almost a creamy like consistency to it without the actual dairy. 

They also had a typical assortment of banchan (side dishes). My favorites are usually the potato salad, fish cake, and cucumber kimchi. They're version of the cucumber kimchi was by far one of my favorites out of all the ones i've tried.

I highly recommend coming here for dinner if you want good Korean food at a good price. You know a place is good when everyone in the restaurant is Korean except you! The only negative I have to say about the place is the service since it did take some time to get served and some of the Korean servers can seem to be rude.
If you can get over that (or just go with someone who can speak Korean) then go check this place out.
The restaurant is located south of Seattle in Federal Way.