Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bacon flavored chips!?

Quick Snack Post on this interesting product.. Pop Up Bacon Flavored Crips

This product I found in Canada at an Asian market and is in Hong Kong.
At first bite, there is definitely a bacon flavor, it almost reminds of bacon popcorn or even bacon salt.
As you can see from the picture above, the crips are shaped and colored to look like fried bacon with a whole lot of fat. The texture is like pork rinds/chicarrones?sp? which makes sense if this is an entirely pig/pork type of product.
I'd say this isn't for the faint of heart, or adventurous types, or people bad with odd textures. It is almost like you are biting into fried pieces of bacon fat. My cousin was with me when we tried it and he said it does taste like bacon, but he couldn't do more than one piece.
I, however, love this type of stuff and weird/odd things and found it quite addicting.
For an Asian snack, it reminded me more of a Western snack.
Not bad, i'm glad I tried it, but no need to go back to Canada to purchase it again. hah

Sunday, October 21, 2012

These Renkon chips are sneaky!

So sampling out these Renkon/Lotus root chips today and from the bag and not reading anything on it, I really thought they would be a sweet coated dried renkon chip.

 At the first bite of this snack it was an intense, spicy/wasabi like flavor that was salty and with a hint of bonito to it.

Not the flavor I was expecting. However, I will say that its not bad for a snack but I just can't eat too much of it. The flavor is a little too intense for me and there really isn't a renkon/lotus root flavor.

Glad I tried it, but I probably wouldn't purchase this myself if it wasn't for this being a sample.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Baby star noodle crackers

If anybody remembers these noodle cracker snack things and live in the U.S. (specifically Seattle) then you know how much you probably miss them because they're no longer allowed into the US! So sad...

Basically, its a chicken flavored noodle snack (a lot of people compare them to the instant noodle where no seasoning is added because it's already on the noodle). And many people usually look for these either to snack on or as a topper on top of salads (for like those 'orienta'/asia' salads). This is a bigger bag of the stuff and I used to get them in a small mixed 5 bag hanging thing (post on that one later).
I like either putting a handful into my mouth and biting down, OR sucking until the flavor comes off and they become softer. And of course I got them during my trip to Canada.
I believe because of the 'chicken' essence/flavoring in these noodle snacks is the reason why the USDA banned them from coming lame and Yet Canada has them..oohwelll

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chip Chop_Chocolate stuff

So, this Meiji brand new chocolate cookie/candy/snack item was pretty interesting I must say. From the box cover, yo ucan see that it is a triangular shaped chocolate cookie with what seems to be a smoother creamy chocolate inner filling...

(I'd say the name 'Chip Chop' came from the chip like shake of the trianglular cookies.)
Now, I must say that I did like these and found them a little addicting. They reminded me of the flavor of Cocoa Puffs (American Cereal) and if I had milk, they probably would've been good as a cereal too. What I found most interesting about the taste of it was that it was a lot saltier than I expected. Not in a bad way (unless you're one of those people that do not like the sweet and salty stuff like salted caramel, etc). You could definitely taste the saltiness on the outside of the cookie part. I think that's what made it addicting for me since I'm a sucker for anything sweet that's salted, especially with chocolate.
Now the inside did indeed have this creamier chocolate layer, but it wasn't too sweet or too soft. It went well with the saltier chocolate cookie on the outside. And even would've been nice with milk in a cereal.
Overall, glad I got to sample this out! If you're in the greater Seattle Area, be sure to check out Uwajimaya for this product, I think they should still be stocked on the shelves!
(i should know..)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Calbee chips: korean cuttlefish flavor

I must say, I've always loved the different flavor chips the calbee brand comes up with but the Hong Kong calbee that came with this one did pretty darn good! Even mi madre liked it and she's a pretty health conscious, doesn't like the junk food type of person...

The squid/ika/cuttlefish flavor wasn't overpowering at all and there was that hint if grilled flavor to it (like you see in the picture of the bag of chips).
The only down side is the amount of chips that are actually in the bag. As many of you know from opening almost any bag of chips, the amount in it is sometimes half or even less than half and the rest is just aromatic air!
The deep "wave" cuts in the chips make it a nice texture, almost like ruffles but imagine a bigger wave.
So sad I can only find these in Canada...


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ice cream cone no ice cream

Giant Caplico

The Caplico _ ice cream cone shaped candy/choco /snack, filled with aerated chocolate and aerated strawberry chocolate all inside a legit ice cream cone. This is the giant sized ones since the normal ones are pretty tiny. Got this in my past trip to Canada and was part of my Canada haulage of goodies. Now I wish I got more....sadface =/ haha jk


Monday, October 1, 2012

Canadia Part dos!

My little grocery/snack haulage from Canada!
I think for the Asian snacks I'll do full reviews/impressions of them and have more description for them (coming soon)
But for now I'll tell you my favorites!

these All dressed ruffles = fave #1 and Tim Tam = fave #2
All the royal milk teas are good and also the 100 Plus
(haven't had the watermelon soda yet)
The Baby star noodles and hichew candies/puccho! The rest still waiting to try!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Canadia part 1 !

My coworker and I decided to go on a food adventure to Richmond, British Columbia, and of course we ate a lotttttt.
This first part will be about the food actually eaten there. Snacks and goodies I bought will be in later posts!

First stop was Aberdeen Center, which is a Chinese store megaplex basically with all these cute Asian stores of toys, gifts, candies, clothings, beauty, etc. The top food court is impressive mostly because of selection of food, not what I can find here in Seattle. I went to Lung Kee and had their Beef Tendon and Brisket noodle soup which was absolutely amazing! Intense flavor and the tendon and brisket were nice and tender. I drank most of the broth which I probably shouldn't have done because I'm betting it does contain a bit of MSG... then I had a Calpico Shake w/ coconut jelly from Estea Express. I kind of regret not going to fruit smoothie place but o. wells.
Next up, a mid evening snack for before heading out to the Night Market. We went into Yaohan, which is a very Chinesey center with a grocery store, food court, and small stores. We stopped by the grocery store and I couldn't resist these! Some of my faaaves.
Sliced cold pig ears with sesame oil, a slightly sweet sauce, as well as chili peppers made this treat super tasty. I wish it wasn't sliced as thin but I cant be picky since it was pretty cheap for that container and the lady that scooped it up for me packed it in! Then my all time favorite Sea Urchin aka Uni in Japanese was on a super deal. Those 5 pieces were for only 6.99 which is way better compared to the usual $6/7 for 2 pieces at Sushi Restaurants. Then topped it off with a milk tea I wanted to try from Taiwan. Overall, very satisfied =P

Next we have the Night Market goodies! First off after looking and shopping around, the first stop I had were the Curry Fried Fish Balls. I was craving these after seeing them everywhere and mmmM they were delicious. I asked for the ones that weren't that spicy and even then they still had a kick to them. 

Then we have the dessert part! I wasn't able to each much more snackage (like the fried squid aka ika) so I settled for dessert! Mango shaved ice ice cream, topped with mango sauce and condensed milk and fresh mangoes. Super Fatty but super good! I ate the whole thing, though it took awhile to finish. It was totally worth the 5.50 Canadian I paid for it. I felt like the mangoes were endless.

Lastly, the trip ended with, of course, Dim Sum!
We saw the Harbor Seafood Restuarant while driving along No. 3 road in Richmond and decided to go in since it was one of the only ones opened at 10 in the morning. Every time I order for Dim Sum I always order too much food and with only two people, of course I over ordered (and some of the food isnt even pictured AND I had to cRancel an order too).
Since my friend was craving carbs, I ordered a Pork Sparerib Claypot rice. Then Pork and Shrimp Sui Mai, dried shrimp and scallop rice noodle Cheong Fun, steamed beef rice noodle cheong fun, shrimp and pork deep fried salt water dumpling and chicken feet aka Phoenix Legs. Not bad for dim sum and it was pretty cheap too so overall 4 stars.
That's it for the food part, snacks and buying stuff will come later!