Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Calbee Fall/Winter Limited Edition Sweet Potato Chips Review

It's that time of year for seasonal/limited edition flavors to come out from Japan and today's review will be on the limited Fall and Winter Osatsu (sweet potato) chips.

Back of bag.

Inside of bag.

As you can see from the shape of the chips, they aren't the usual long shrimp chip shape or typical sliced oval. The chips have a petal like shape but it can sort of also looks like garlic clove. 

The flavor of the chip itself is very flavorful and has a true yet somewhat artificial sweet potato flavor. It seems the flavor is in the chip itself along with some type of flavored powder coated over the chip. 
The chip has a nice crisp texture with a bit of fluff to it (if that makes sense). Overall, it is a very nice snack/treat since I usually like sweet potato flavored snacks. If you're a fan of sweet potato and can find this in your local Asian grocery store, then I highly recommend checking it out!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bissinger's Quinoa Agave Crunch 75% cocoa bar: Review

Today's goodie post is on a healthier treat, Bissinger's All Natural Quinoa Agave Crunch Chocolate.

When you have a craving for something sweet or something with chocolate, Dark chocolate is the way to go (especially over milk or white chocolate). The higher percentage of cocoa, the better. Dark chocolate has many benefits to the body including lowering blood pressure, improving cognitive function, controlling blood sugar, being full of antioxidants, etc.

This bar would be a good alternative for those who also like toffee bits in their chocolate bars. This contains agave covered puffed quinoa which gives you that sweetened crunch you are looking for. Quinoa is a true grain high in protein, gluten-free and a good source of calcium. Agave is a sweetener derived from the blue agave plant, however, it is still not as healthy of an alternative as people may believe, but it is still better than regular table sugars and there are only 8gms of sugar in this bar.

You can see the puffed quinoa inside the chocolate
I did indeed receive this at as a sample, but you can buy this on the Bissinger's website for around $5.00. I would also check out more health food related stores like Whole Foods or PCC for this item, and they would probably retail for around $5 too 7 dollars depending on the area (or cheaper).