Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chinese New Years 2014

Sorry I haven't been posting lately, but this past week has been filled with so many events! Chinese New Year was on January 31st, and of course my family and I had a nice celebration and along with that, it was Super Bowl weekend with the Seattle Seahawks taking it all for the city!

For today's post, I just wanted to share pictures of my family's Chinese New Year with you guys and in another post I will be featuring all things Seattle and Seahawks!

One of my favorite decoration set ups in my living room!
My mom fried up a lot of homemade shrimp good!

We had a lot of people over so we needed two whole chickens for my mom's Hainanese Chicken and Chicken Rice (so bomb btw)

 And then the circle of food (there wasn't enough room to fit everything so things are intermingled) at the "adult" table. We had vegetable wraps, Mu Shu pork wraps, pea vines, pork belly and taro, steeped mushrooms, bbq stea, and roasted pork..etc just so much food!

Overall, it was a wonderful day and a loud and festive night! I had family from California and even Australia over to come celebrate with us. Everything was decorated in red and of course, red envelopes of lucky money >.< hehe.

I hope you guys all had a wonderful weekend and if you do (or don't) celebrate Chinese/Lunar New Year.. Gong Hei Fat Choi!! (gong xi fa cai in madarin)


  1. I like your decorations :)
    And omg so much fooooood! It looks so good :D

    1. thanks! and yes, it was too much food we had so much left over, but so yummy!

  2. I love your decorations and the food looks SOOO good. How does she make the shrimp crackers?! I want some *-*

    1. Thanks! and well she half makes them...we have to buy the raw dried cracker and fry it ourselves in oil! They're so much tastier and nice and fresh this way!

  3. Happy Lunar New Year! This looks like so much fun and your home was decorated so nicely! My boyfriend is Chinese and it's such a nice celebration to share with his family :) I got some lucky money too haha xo

    1. Ooh nice! haha I had 4 guy friends come over because we were going to go out later and my parents and family actually gave them some lucky money too when they came --they were so excited haha
